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We have your varied smoking preference in mind when designing our rolling machines.

Our Machines

The best thing about rolling your own cigarette is that you can personalize your smoking experience. You can customize the amount of tobacco you put, the type of paper to use, and the size you prefer for your stick.

What’s more, Nebula Rollers rolling machines are durable and easy to operate. They are best for first-timers to use to avoid spilling and wasting fillings when rolling a cig. Our machines create perfect rolls, keeping the fillings placed evenly inside the tube. They are also perfect for experts and long-time smokers because you can make nice sticks fast and with minimal effort.

King Size Machine

110mm Machine

King Size Versatility in function: Your King Size Nebula Roller works with any King-Size 110mm wide rolling paper. Achieve perfectly rolled products with any super thin, hemp or slow-burning, 1¼ or single wide rolling paper, Organic or Back Woods Leaf. Add choice filters or Cigar tips to suit your pleasure. Use Gum Arabic Cigar Glue, purchased separately, for natural Leaf Blunts.

Impressive Performance: The easy-to-use Nebula Rolling machine simplifies the joy and art of “rolling your own”. Developed for people with challenged dexterity or who need a little assistance, you can roll perfect products with little effort and those with fine motor skills. Your valuable products will burn more evenly, and efficiently and enhance your smoking experience.

Classic Machine

78mm Machine

Classic Size Versatility in function: Your Classic Size Nebula Roller works with any Classic 78mm wide rolling paper. Achieve perfectly rolled products with any Super Thin, Hemp or Slow-Burning, 1¼ or single wide rolling paper, Organic or Back Woods Leaf. Add choice filters or Cigar tips to suit your pleasure. Use Gum Arabic Cigar Glue, purchased separately, for natural Leaf or Back Woods Blunts.

Impressive Performance: The easy-to-use Nebula Rolling machine simplifies the Joy and Art of “Rolling-Your-Own”. Developed for people with challenged dexterity or who need a little assistance, you can roll perfect products with little effort and those with fine motor skills. Your valuable products will burn more evenly, and efficiently and enhance your smoking experience.

Why Buy Nebula Rollers

With only a push of a button, you can adjust the diameter of your roll to your preference – from a thin 6mm roll to an 11mm blunt and anything in between.

What you will need when rolling a cigarette using Nebula Rollers:

  • Rolling paper. Our machine can roll any paper thickness or type – from paper-thin to natural tobacco leaves.
  • Rolling tobacco. Put as much as you want.
  • Cigarette Filter. This is optional because you can roll a cigarette using Nebula Rollers with or without one.
Our Mission

The Nebula Rollers machine works to give you the quality and consistency of self-rolled cigarettes to enhance your smoking experience. Our premium-quality rolling machines give you less time to roll a smoke and more time to enjoy a puff.